Master's Project
The Master's project requires six months of full time study and is worth 30 credit points upon completion. The project may only be started when all other requirements have been completed. The project should demonstrate innovative, independent scientific work and culminates with a written thesis.
A Master’s project must be supervised by a professor from the list of eligible professors (see list on page for semester projects). The project can be carried out in an industrial setting or in a laboratory outside of ETH, given that an eligible professor from the list co-supervises the project.
All projects must be officially concluded and graded (via eDoz) no later than two weeks after their official end date. Extensions can be granted only due to important reasons (such as serious illness or unforeseeable technical problems) and have to be requested from the study administration of D-ITET via this form.
You can register for the Master's project on mystudies.
When submitting the written document for your Master's project, include the Download declaration of originality (PDF, 183 KB).